Factors Behind TruTalents: Definitions

Factors Behind TruTalents: Definitions

TruTalents Factors

Each of the 8 TruTalents™ is derived from a unique combination of 21 underlying factors. These factors are measured individually to help identify a person’s top TruTalents. To learn more about each factor, click on its name in the list below for a detailed definition.
Achievement Orientation
Seeks accomplishment, embraces responsibility, and manages stress well.
Outspoken and comfortable being honest with others.
Communication Clarity
Effectively expresses ideas and information to others.
Conflict Resolution
Effectively resolves problems between individuals and groups.
Considerate and supportive of others' needs.
Follow Through
Consistent in completing tasks despite obstacles.
Modest about achievements and performs well without need for attention.
Readily offers opinions and makes an impact on others.
Resourceful and adept at finding multiple ways to solve problems.
Actively seeks and is able to grasp large amounts of information and complex concepts.
Able to view situations without bias or emotional influence.
Pursues innovation and experimentation, actively seeks new ideas.
Understands and manages both personal and others' emotions effectively.
Observant and takes a hands-on, proven approach to problem solving.
Open and willing to consider different ideas and viewpoints.
Self-aware and seeks personal growth from experiences.
Relationship Building
Easily develops interpersonal connections and effective at networking.
Risk Tolerance
Willing to take calculated risks and venture outside of a comfort zone.
Organizes both physical tasks and schedules effectively.
Tolerance for Ambiguity
Comfortable and able to thrive in uncertain situations.
Adapts quickly to changing or unexpected circumstances.

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